Kicking off Books about Books

“Often have I sighed to measure
By myself a lonely pleasure,
Sighed to think I read a book
Only read, perhaps, by me.”
William Wordsworth

It’s the beginning of March, and just like the Romans who would shake the dust and frost off their swords every spring and head back to war, now feels like a great time to shake off the dust and start this blog site. Books about Books is a site I’ve thought about for a long time because I could never find one like it! 

books about books stack

Sure, plenty of sites talk about book arts or collecting books or book auctions, but I have never been able to find that one deep dive. That one place where no one would look at me weird for wanting to talk about books about books and nothing else. Wait… is that weird?

If it is, that’s ok. I hope to get to bump into other weird folks here.

And I’m hoping that this love for the book is contagious and that if you spend any time lurking around this site, you’ll get bit and want to start buying your own books about books, bibliomysteries, and bookish quotes posters. Not to mention all of the book design and book material conversations I hope this site fosters. I’m also playing around with the idea of “gifts for book lovers”, but each recommended item has to be a book about a book. No socks. No clever coasters. No candles. Let’s chat about libraries. Perhaps even home and private libraries?

This isn’t going to be that weird, right? Right?

Anyway, thank you for stopping by the site and for reading. Check out the About page, if you’re in no hurry. We’re in a nice ‘soft launch’ through the end of March 2023, and then we’ll have to see what happens. So please bookmark, link up, leave a comment, or whatever it takes to come back and see what this teeny slice of a bibliophile‘s heart is all about.
