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About Books about Books

If ever there were a passion project – this site is it. The love of books is one thing and is a love shared by many and practiced in many ways. But the love of books about books feels like a whole other category with more intentional and deliberate practice.

I often complain about there being too many books published each year. But sitting in front of my shelves I realize what a privilege it is to have access to so many books. There are many folks who are not so fortunate and I hope this site can help shine a spotlight on some groups that are working to globally distribute books.

I admit that not every bibliophile is the same, and I enjoy talking to anyone who enjoys books. It’s easy to bump into folks talking about books online. They’re everywhere, and the book-related hashtags are everywhere. There are many genre groups, book format groups, and author fan clubs. But it gets shallow in the realm of ‘books about books.’ There are trend pieces here and there scattered around the internet but finding that deep concentration that checks all of the boxes is challenging.

And that is exactly what I hope this site will do – tick all the boxes for the book lover.

There will be plenty of book reviews (new and old), and even more, mentions of book culture and book arts. Hopefully, there will be a special book feature each week. As I said, I’m hoping to dive deeper than some sites. And did I mention book reviews? There are so many books being published these days. It takes work to keep up. It takes even more work to suss out all of the new books coming out that are related to book history, author biographies, books about bookstores, publishing, books in the home, libraries, books as decor, and all other manners of bibliophilia.

I hope to do all that work and surface the best books about books, whether new or old.

Basically, I am hoping to cobble together the site that I have been looking for. 

I am thrilled you are here and have read this far.

Please reach out, chime in, and let me know about your bookish passions. I have a feeling – we’ll get along just fine.

Kindred Spirits

I cannot live without books..

Thomas Jefferson, 1815

I was made for the library, not the classroom. The classroom was a jail of other people’s interests. The library is open, unending, free.

Ta-Nehisi Coates

When I am dead, I hope it will be said: His sins were scarlet, but his books were read.

Hilaire Belloc